Partial Braces???

okay i am getting partial braces on my top four teeth in the front. And i think a wire goin to the back of my teeth. This is too help straighten those teeth and help my overbite. I will bropably have to get full braces l8r but he wanted to go aghead and work on my overbite. I have only lost 8 teeth and i'm twelve. But anyways what:

Can i eat

Good foods to snakck on tht i can eat tht are healthyu


Anty other good tips i know my dentist will oprob tell me but still i wanna know!!


  • dont eat sticky or chewy foods like muesli bars, toffee, etc as they might break the wiring and its costly to fix them!

    you can basically eat anything else though, fruit is probably a good healthy thing to snack on but yeah other than that you should be fine to eat anything.

    just try and stay away from chewy and hard foods for the first few days cause your teeth might be tender and a bit sore.

  • I know your orthodontist will tell you aren't allowed to eat certain foods (gum, popcorn, peanuts, etc.), but you really can eat anything. I had braces on all of my teeth for two years and I always ate whatever I wanted (including gum). At the end of the two years I had not one broken bracket, bent wire, cavity, or anything like that. As long as you don't chop on food like a wild beast, you should be fine.

    However, parents can be a pest about that sort of thing, so I wouldn't eat any "restricted" foods around them. Save it for when you're out with friends or at school.

  • eat whatever you want, i do and nothing has ever happend to my braces. orthodontists just want your life to suck

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