Florida or Georgia?why?

MIami or Atlanta?why


  • I live in Pembroke Pines (about 13 miles S.W of Ft. Lauderdale and about 20+ miles from Miami). I love the weather here in Florida (I love fishing- saltwater), I love the beach and the night life. But, that's where it all ends.

    I moved down from Atlanta almost 3 years ago to care for my sick father-in-law. He passed away earlier this year and I'm working on moving back to Georgia. The cost of living is cheaper. The people are nice and more polite. Property taxes are way cheaper. If you are looking to buy a house or even rent an apartment, Georgia is the way to go.

    I have first hand knowledge of this. My 3/2 bedroom apartment in Georgia (McDonough) ran me $775 per month. It was 1350 sq. feet. It was a new apartment and was close to many things. I have friends that rent here for over $1300 for a 3/2 townhouse that is roughly the same sq. footage. I am in the process of selling my 1100 sq. feet condo (2/2) here for $185,000. My property taxes run me $3700 per year and maintenance is $270 per month. With that money, you could afford a nice 4/2 home in Georgia with a yard in a nice area.

  • I lived in Miami for 20 yrs before leaving to live in Atlanta. If you like hot humid weather and speak Spanish then go live in Miami. The only thing I miss about Miami is the ocean. What I dont miss is the rudest, most selfish community, with the worst drivers in the country...also didnt like always feeling like I was in a foreign country and made to feel like I should learn Spanish when its the responsibility of the Hispanics to learn English. Atlanta has a cheaper standard of living, the people are way more nice, and there is actually 4 distinct seasons in Atlanta. Having lived in both within the past 3 yrs, and having visited Miami at least twice a yr since leaving I definitely prefer Atlanta and would NEVER move back to Miami.

  • Miami - I love Miami (but live in Atlanta). Florida has no state income tax. uhmm.. beach. I love the whole art deco in architecture thing. I was a Ft. Lauderdale resident once upon a time.

    Atlanta - No beach. Winter! Even snow on rare occasions. :) Transportation hub, not the butt end of the continent.

    Depends on where you can get a better job and what you like to do, if deep sea fishing is your thing - go with Miami. If hiking is your thing - come to Atlanta!

  • I love Florida for its diversity. But one bad thing about Miami is learning spanish. It can be annoying if you dont kow Spanish, bcause of the large spanish community there. Also Miami is expensive, and the hurricanes are destructive. .. I prefer Orlando, or other parts of Fla.because the hurricanes dont rreach, you can drive to Miami, and you can be in an interracial relationship and people won't ban you from their establishments. I live in Ga. now. I dont like it as much because everything is really spread out.You need a car, and the bus system doesnt even go everywhere it needs to go. I think they are improving it though and I dont see the diversity that i saw in Florida. There are many different ppl here, but they are in different counties. The blacks are in Dekaklb, Asians and latinos in Gwinett, and the whites in Newton, Tifton, ect. I shouldn't be able to do that in 2007! One good thing though, is its cheaper to buy a home here than in Florida. Fla. has a large amount of people from different places so you have an exposure.. also because of this, people sound different and alot of them don't retain a racist mentality you may see in parts of Ga.(not everyone is, but its alive)Blacks have more oppurtunities for job and living which is great. They are both pros and cons I guess. depends on what you like though.

  • Florida stinks nothing to do. Altanta would be better cause there is more to see and do. You can visit World of Coca Cola, Underground Mall, Martin Luther King sr. or jr's museam. There is so much more to do that I can't list them all.

  • Atlanta hands down. why? The people. Not even close. Much prettier too.

  • Miami. Babes in thongs!

  • Florida, ready to get out of GA!!!

  • why not?

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