Do you know what is Primerica Citygroup?

I have a friend that... her boyfriend will work for... Primerica of citygroup.

And She sayd me that... is very very good... and... Her boyfriend, every month will win $1500 and more... (for to work 4 hours every day) and after... he could win 20.000 for month.

But... Do you know what is it? is it a joke or... is it true? You know?.

Explain to me!! (in spanish or english).


  • The truth is you won't win anything. You don't make money by recruiting people since its illegal. But you do earn bonuses or overrides when your recruits get to work.

    As for making $1500/month, that is possible if you get your life license and mortgage certification. After that, if you see one family, you can help that family in the area of life insurance and debt elimination. With life insurance, you may make $250-$350 in the beginning. With debt elimination, you may make $625-$730 on a $200,000 loan. If you get your securities license as well, you can make an extra $135-$146 on a $10,000 investment.

    The figures I shown you are for Rep to Senior Rep level, which are entry level positions. Her boyfriend is probably at the District level, because Districts usually make an average $1000/month. As you go to a higher level in the company, your commissions goes up as well. An average RVP makes about $10,000/month. How fast you want to become RVP is up to you. You can do it in one year or 5 years or longer. It all depends on how hard you are willing to work.

    Anyway, if you want to make money in Primerica, you need to get your licenses. Most people quit Primerica because they can't pass the state exam, but others who want to win will continue to try until they pass. No matter how many times people fail the exam, Primerica will never fire them because we are all independent business agents. Other financial companies would of fired them right away when someone fails.

    If you want to learn about Primerica, go to or go speak to the Regional Vice President.

  • Primerica, also known as AL Williams, is an insurance/investment company. They sell super cheap life insurance, and teach you to invest the savings in mutual funds. It is a pyramid system, where they encourage you to recruit people. The more people you have under you, the more you earn. So is for real...if you have the time to invest. It usually takes a while for you to recruit enough people under you. They also have generous reward system in place for those that recruit at a fast pace.

  • Its a major financial/insurance corporation

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