PLEASE HELP - Testicular concern?

Hi, i am 14 and yesterday i discovered a lump towards the top my left testicle that is about the size of a BB. I get this pain when i touch it, like someone has kicked me in the balls, but not as extreme. It does not move around when i feel it, so i think it is attached to my testicle. Does anyone kn ow what this is? IS this a sign of testicular cancer? Should i be concerned? please let me know. Thanks!


  • If the lump is external (outside), it could simply be a cyst which is treatable

    and easily removed.

    If the lump is internal (inside the scrotum)

    you should have it checked out IMMEDIATELY.

    Testicular cancer can and does occur from childhood to adulthood.

    Also, the severity of the pain is likely magnified due to the location of the growth.

    See your Doctor and take care of the problem.

    If it's only a cyst, there is no reason to wait until the pain becomes so bad that

    you finally have to go to the Emergency Room -- Just have it checked out.

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