DC power to AC Power?

I have an item thats for use in a car with a cigarette lighter port, but i would like to use it inside the house by plugging it into a wall socket. Is there ANY way to do this without buying a converter from the auto parts store? PS they are closed. THX....


  • you need to know the current of the device by looking on its data sheet or label to be able to select a "12 volt" power supply for the item that needs cigarette lighter power. when you find out how much current, then you can buy a 12 volt power supply at Radio Shack or any other place that sells them. chose a power supply that can handle the current, preferably with a 2 or 3 times safety margin of current. if your device requires 1 amp, then select a 2 or 3 A power supply. this is done in case there is extra turn on current for the device, and to make sure you have a reliable system.

    A cigarette lighter power is nominally 12 volts, and it usually is 13.8 volts because in a vehicle the starter battery is continuously charged up to that level, so if you measure the power supply voltage don't be alarmed. most devices that use cigarette lighters will not burn up with slightly higher voltages.

  • 1. You need one 12 volts battery pack as the power source. You can build it with 8 pieces of D size battery or 10 pieces of rechargable 1.2 volts cell.

    2. You need one power socket taking out from any old car.

    3. Connect the B+ to the center of socket contact, B- connects to the side wall of socket.

    4 Build a wood box to hold the socket and battery pack. Now you can run your device.

  • The device is called an inverter. It turns the DC signal on and off in 60 Hz cycles. It then performs low-pass filtration, to convert the square waveform into a sine waveform. It then uses a transformer to convert step up the signal to the 120 rms Voltage signal used in the household.

    The process is very inefficient, and therefore, if your appliance can run off of 12 Volts DC and still perform its function, it is best to have a DC version designed to run off the cigarette lighter. E.G. cell phone chargers can work in the household or off the car battery. No point in using the inverter if you are going to use a rectifier afterward.

    Do not try to build an inverter yourself. Trust that the auto parts manufacturers know what they are dong, and buy it from them.

  • No. The cigarette lighter plug is a 12 volt dc power source. The ac wall plug provides 120 volt ac.You'll have to wait till a store like radio shack is open. They sell dc power supplies that you can plug the cigarette lighter plug into and this will allow you to use the item in your house.

  • Depending on the item, you should be able to find a transformer that puts out 12 volts from Radio Shack or WalMart, etc.

  • whilst commercial electrical energy replaced into being made available each and each section had their very own small electrical energy turbines and those provided a small section. each and each of those community electrical energy companies provided electrical energy although they had to - AC, DC, 50hz, 60hz, 100V, 230V, 400V... multiple mixtures all based which the community company desperate replaced into ultimate. From the commencing up AC replaced into used commercially. over the years it replaced into seen that a uniform equipment replaced into mandatory and this replaced into positioned into place. in the united kingdom the Newcastle based engineer Merz lobbied the government for this and in the starts Eddison and Tesla did an identical - for no different reason that whoever had the equipment that replaced into used might make serious £££ mutually as their opposition might could desire to invest vast type and could desire to go out of company. in the united kingdom Merz - who asked for the national grid to be set up - had the 'loosing' equipment yet inspired the government that he replaced into compensated properly with a value to establish a countrywide 'grid iron' as he noted because it. So notably lots the quick answer replaced into that it replaced into continually used, and in case you % a thorough answer wikkipedia has a competent write up approximately Merz and the national grid

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