A Mouse, or gerbil as a pet?

For an older child. She's had hamster before and done really well with them. I want to know which one would be better for her??


  • Neither 'A' mouse or gerbil. Why? Because unlike hamsters, both these rodents need to be kept in pairs. They are both highly sociable and need a cagemate, without one they can become depressed, have shorter life expectancy and have more health and behavioural problems. So if your only willing to get one pet, get another hamster. Keeping gerbils/mice alone is actually cruel.

    Anyway with that in mind... Gerbils cost more. They burrow, and need a HUGE cage with a really deep base because they burrow tunnels in the sawdust. They're really fast, and not generally a fan of being held. For an 'older child' I would suggest only getting a gerbil for a child 12+ as they can be difficult to care for, and as they dislike being held, they run off into their burrows all the time, I have a feeling a young child would become bored of the animals and neglect them.

    On the plus side, gerbils bite far less than hamsters, they're generally pretty clean rodents (a big gerbilarium only needs to be cleaned once a month) and can live up to 5 years (3 on average).

    I've never had mice, but I've heard they're much smellier than gerbils, but I'm not sure on handelling, how fast they are...etc.

    Honestly I think you're best getting her another hamster, but not the same breed as last time. There's lots of various types of hamsters to explore, syrian, chinese dwarf, russian dwarf, and a few more to look at on here:


  • Well..gerbils are easier to tame but are very interested in burrowing so you mightn't be able to see them much in the day unless you dont put alot of bedding in.

    Mice are a bit more afraid but definetly can be tamed.They are fun to watch adventuring around their cage.

    It mostly depend on where you get them. Big pet shops rarely give any attention to them exept feeding and watering. Smaller pet shops, breeders and rescue centres likely spend alot of time with their animals

  • Out of these two, I'd say gerbil, because I think their care is fairly similar to hamsters.


  • Mouse or hamster.

  • You should get a mouse gerbils are just to small and could be very boring to have as pets.

    a mouse would accomplish more as a house pet for an older child so make sure you buy the right materials and things that this new pet will be needing and enjoy :)

  • get a hamster again, they are bigger than gerbils and bite less. Mice are gross.

  • I agree with ^ a lion or a Charizard.

  • get a guinera pig they never bite and hamsters bite alot here is a site all about guinea pigs jackiesguineapigs.com hope i helped

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