HomeMade <span >Christmas</span> presents pplleaaasee hellppp?


i need to make something for my mum for christmas..

its in 11 days...xD

it need to be something creative that i can make at home with things that you find around your home (glue.paint.paper.cardboard.computer.Wool.string etc)

thankyouuu please help

im only 13 so not something too hard xD

thannxxx hunnnyys ILya


  • Check out this site. www.craftbits.com Don`t know if this is what your looking for but it has fast easy homemade gifts, that don`t cost an arm and a leg. Good Luck

  • Get a plastic wrapper that is shaped like a funnel put marshmallows in the bottom, hot cocoa mix in the middle and tie the top with a fancy ribbon.

    Make mom a keepsake box, gluing on some lkind of paper, or make a collage of things that were important in your life, then write a letter what mom means to you and what you are grateful for and glue on top.

    Go to Walmart and get copies made of all the photos that were important to you as a kid or whatever life events and make a scrapbook with little messages of what those events meant to you.

  • good on you, try a cane basket first , if not, a cereal packet , colour in the blank parts,glue some crepe paper inside or on the edges, coloured string or tape, some chocolates , a bottle of wine or spirits,stockings ,a blouse , a subscription to a magazine. go for it

  • homemade ornaments

    maybe cook something?

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