Dimensional Eatos deck?

Recently I assembled an Dimensional Eatos deck, or as I prefer to call it MACROS EATOS.

It's a bit inconsistent when compared to Gadgets, I've seen Miracle Fusion variants and Super Fusion Variants, but frankly they just seem kind of dumb.

I'm probably going to a regionals this Sunday so....

Monsters: 15

Guardian Eatos x3

Beast King Barbaros x3

Elemental Hero Neos Alius x3

Crusader of Endymion x2

Evocator Chevalier x1

Elemental Hero Stratos x1

Battle Fader x1

Cyber Dragon x1

Spells: 12

Dimensional Fissure x3

Gemini Spark x3

Forbidden Chalice x1

Smashing Ground x2

Reinforcement of the Army x1

Book of Moon x2

I want to add a Mystical Space Typhoon somewhere in here.

Traps: 12

Dark Bribe x3

Skill Drain x2

Starlight Road x2 (I main two of these, second round I side one out for Solemn Judgment)

Royal Oppression x1 (Side another one)

Dimensional Prison x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Macro Cosmos x1

Extra Deck:

Stardust Dragon x2

Chimeratech Fortress(Proxy)

Side Deck:

Consecrated Lights x2

Mirror of Oaths x3

Nobleman of Crossouts x2

Exchange x1

Mind Crush x1

Light Imprisoning Mirror x1

Royal Oppression x1

Cyber Dragon x1

System Down x2(proxies) >.>


  • Pretty nice deck. Here's the changes I think you should make:

    -1 Dark Bribe

    +1 MST

    -1 Starlight Road

    -1 Royal Oppression (It helps Blackwings, with the Vayu-Oppression combo, so don't main-deck it. Side-deck it until you face Glads or X-Sabers.

    +1 Heavy Storm

    -1 Forbidden Chalice

    -1 D-Prison

    +2 Thunder King Rai-Oh

    -1 Cyber Dragon

    +2 Doomcaliber Knight

    -1 Battle Fader

    +1 Solemn

    -1 Smashing Ground

    +1 Mirror Force

    -1 Macro Cosmos (too slow, plus you already run 3 D-Fissures)

    +1 Brain Control

    Extra Deck

    -1 Stardust

    +1 Chimeratech

    I hope this helps!

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