LPN vs Dental Asst vs Paralegal?

After going to college, getting my bachelor's degree in liberal arts, I now realize I am not really marketable. Therefore, its back to school. However, I cannot decide between LPN, Dental Assisting or Paralegal. All interest me. All seem to have good job prospects in the future. The salaries (starting) seem to be in the same range. I like these fields because they have great versatility. You can always find work anywhere. LPN seems to be the most competitive. And I'm afraid the nursing field is going to be flooded with all the hype around nursing shortages.

Any suggestions?


  • http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos083.htm#training

    See the 3rd paragraph (Accelerated BSN programs ****) in the "Education and training" section.

  • Paralegal: over 600 applications received within 24 hours of posting a part-time job opening. There are not that many paralegals in that entire state. Which means desperate people are looking out-of-state for work which almost always requires in-state legal experience (you're mostly working with state law), or else legal secretaries, legal assistants & others are so desperate they are looking for paralegal work.

    LPN: you're a college grad. LPN is being phased out, becoming meaningless, and in competition with cheap foreign workers. You need RN or BSN.

    Dental Assisting: much in demand in the Northeast. Pay for the most part is pathetic, but with several years' experience & good references, you can "freelance" with several dentists and command $25-30/hr. Mind you in the NE, that barely meets affordability index for a modest 1 BR apartment.

  • Lawyer for sure. It's more work but the fruit will be that much sweeter. I have friend who's Paralegal and they do most of the work and the lawyer make all the money. Of cause if your teen's more comfortable behind the scene, then paralegal might be better.

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