Poll: Did Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer disrespect President Obama?

Yes or No. Tell me what you think?


  • Yes. She did by putting her fingers in his face. I don't care what her reasoning are. No matter how much you despise or disagree with President Obama, it is very disrespectful to point your finger in his face. President Obama is her superior not her husband or child. She was very unprofessional. If that was President Bush, Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly, I highly doubt she would have behave that way. l know if it was reverse. The governor was black or Hispanic and the president was white. Conservatives would be demanding for her to be fired. Jan should be ashamed of racist self. I'm outrage and sadden every time I see that picture. Since taking office, President Barack Obama has faced a barrage of disrespect. He did the right thing by walking about from this crazy nut. ><

  • Absolutely. I'm 43 and I cannot ever recall a president of the United States being disrespected as much as President Obama has been.

    I wonder has the precedent now been set for the way Americans and the world for that matter treats future Presidents if they happen to disagree with their party affiliation or color of their skin?

  • Yes Jan Brewer behaved like a spoiled, rude child. There is no excuse for her behavior.

  • Yes, of course she did. Anyone on this site who says otherwise is not being honest. I would like to see their reaction the next time someone points a finger in their face. My mother taught me, as I am sure Governor Brewer's mom taught her, that you do not put your foot on people and you do not point your finger in a person's face. That is bad manners and it is disrespectful. Honestly?? You think its respectful to point your finger in the President's face?

  • She more than disrespected him. She showed us all who she really is...a hateful and rascist republican woman who has not subconsciously accepted the fact that President Obama, a black man, is her President. She and others like her will eventually self-implode from their own hatred. Who in their right mind thinks she wasn't disrespectful?? A child could tell you she was.

  • Yes, it was very disrespectful. The GOP has become so hateful. He's the President, period! I couldn't stand Bush, but would never think to treat him in such a manner.

  • Of course she did, along with good ol' Newt who only ever calls him Obama NOT President Obama.

    Like him or not too bad, he is the President of the US and that should always be respected..

    Yeah, we talk about him and meanwhile sent my family and friends to die in Iraq on either False or inaccurate information........Unreal!!

  • No, she did not disrespect Obama. Her body language says she was simply placing emphasis on a point she was verbally making. There may have been passion evoked while making her point, but where is the disrespect in that?

  • Yes. Ask yourself this.

    Would you point your finger in your parents, teachers, pastor, or boss's face because you don't agree with them? Do you think people would perceive you as someone positive?

  • Who cares what Jan "The Cryptkeeper" Brewer thinks? Her botox face is melting off.

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