How to raise your self esteem?

I do realize everyone in the world has self esteem problems, and but lately I have been just feeling worse about myself than usual. I tend to think very poorly of myself 99% of the time, and I always find myself trying to change. I was just looking for some maybe fun things I could do to help with my self esteem?

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time. :)


  • Well you're polite, and respectful as it seems. "Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time. :)" and you use proper grammar EVEN on the internet. It would also seem you have great communication skills.

    "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you're right!" - Henry Ford.

    Read 9gag for a few minutes a day, it'll draw a few chuckles. And laughter has been clinically proven benefit you medically. Just search "Laughter is good for you," you'll get tonnes of topics, too many to explain here.

    Always think positively. Your physique has also been found to change your emotions. If you force yourself to smile, and hold your shoulders high, back straight, you will automatically feel happy.

    Smile. It makes you look much more attractive. In fact, until typing the the answer to this question, I never realized what makes me attracted to girls that are considered unattractive by my class mates -they smile a lot. When you smile, it makes the people around you feel better too, and then they will start to smile, and that smiling will make you smile even more.

    Never indulge in negative, or criticizing thoughts. Look for the good in every situation.

    Do this, and it will quickly start to come naturally to you. Why? Because it IS natural. Humans naturally want to feel happy. You just have to let it happen!

  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear about your problems, but I think I can help. I have a free Self-Esteem Toolkit on my website, that you can sign up to download. It's fun as it contains an Ebook, an audio track, a video and a worksheet.

    Hope it helps!

  • I was like that for I while but I started reading The Bible and it helped knowing that God loved me no matter what I look like or what I think about myself. So try that and maybe it will help you too.

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