Condom broke?

Okay so me & my bf had sex & about 25 minutes into it he stopped & said the condom broke (usually he lasts around an hour & 15 minutes , if that helps anything) and I asked him if anything got inside me & he said that he pulled out & stopped but he didn't *** yet so what are the chances of me being pregnant ? (It was also on my non-fertile days of the month) I know there's always a chance but I'd like to hope that the chances aren't high if he pulled out (yes I know this method doesn't always work which is why we always use a condom & this time it happened to break) Thank you I'm advance .


  • Depends if your on the pill or not. The pull out method work is about 40-60 percent effective. But you should take a pregnancy test as close to your next period as you can.

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