How to perfect a poker face?

Every time I play poker, my face always gives me away. Any way to perfect a poker face? Any kind of method to stop smiling? Etc


  • You just have to keep your face totally expressionless--hide your emotions. It'll come with experience.

  • You don't need a poker face. You just need to have the same face no matter what hand you get. Watch poker on TV. You'll see all sorts of behavior at the table.

    Instead of trying to be like Mount Rushmore, find something that you can do consistently.

  • Practice makes perfect, keep trying to not smile, but also be careful, you want to practice long enough that you don't look like your forcing yourself from smiling, you want to look natural and cool headed. There really is no other better way but just to practice and test yourself.

  • I think it is impossible to have a stone cold face all the time. The point is to have expressions or habits that cannot be tracked. Meaning you do weird things regardless of your hand.

  • It is part face and part cards.

    Many poker players have poker face as they are not sure themselves.

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