how do i remove duct tape residue?

how do i remove duct tape residue off a wall. the wall is painted cinderblocks... i live in a dorm. help!


  • Try WD-40.

  • Duct tape residue remover. Just joking around. Try Goo-gone or rubbing alcohol.

  • Nail polish remover is perfect for taking glue of any non absorbant surface. Just use a small amount on a cotton wool ball and the stuff will come of in seconds - You dont even need to apply pressure. Slightly different with walls. Before buying solvents try using the razor blade by lifting a corner and scraping the tape. When you have taken most of this off then you can use the nail polish remover. There is a product called "Goo gone" but it is oil based and might make it difficult if you intend painting the wall afterwards.

  • Use Lighter fluid (butane). Squirt a little on a paper towel and start wiping the area. It will remove any sticky tape residue. If you use it on plastic you should carefully test a small spot to make sure it doesn't affect the surface but I have never had a problem. It is flammable so be careful not to have any flames in the area. Good luck

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    Moles, Warts and Skin Tags Removal program is a 100% natural system, established to eliminate epidermis deformities such as for example skin labels, moles, and warts, irrespective of how large or small they are.  It is actually secure to make use of on children.

  • I'd try the WD-40. The Goo Gone "will" work, but it will also take the paint off the wall. Goof Off is another product that is good for removing tape adhesives, but it will also take the paint off. It may work if you rub just hard enough to remove the glue and not the paint.

  • Warts are a fungus. MSM and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) are oxygenators. Fungus doesn't do well with lots of oxygen. MSM is made from DMSO, which I once (a year ago) put on a wart. After a few days the wart crumbled & fell off when I felt it, leaving new pink skin behind. No wart grew back. (A friend had had the same results with a wart she'd had.) I suggest MSM instead of DMSO, as it is safer to use. You can dilute it in water, or buy it in a cream. (I dilute mine in water.)

  • I have used goo gone and it can work well but also can be risky. My favorite is peanut butter! Really, it works and it is so safe. Smear some on, wait overnight, then the stuff will just soften and rub off easily. Peanut butter is also good for those darn price stickers that don't come all off.

  • Acetone - nail polish remover - will take off tape residue

  • try scraping it with a razor blaze. be careful that you hold the blade even so you don't scratch or gouge the paint off. I don't know if it would work but you could try an Mr. clean magic eraser. Or goo gone will work, but try it on a small part of the wall first. I could make the paint shine where you use it.

  • I just had this same problem. Scrub vigorously with olive oil on a paper towel. Olive oil can then be cleaned off with soap or an all purpose cleaner.

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