Skipping a period with birth control side affects?

I took my birth control two months in a row after asking my doctor. I've been on it for a year and this was the first time i used it like this. When it came time for my normal period again the week before i woke up with horrible pain and this thick brown "period" it was horrible the pain stayed for a whole 5 days.(period cramps but more intense) and the thick brown discharge came and went througout the days. The week after i got my normal period.I went to my doctor but he really didn't say much about it. Was this due to my birth control or could it have been a miscarrige. Im fine now and its never happened again


  • i've done that too one time. that happened to me too. i think your fine though but skipping it just doesnt seem natural. periods are good for you. they are your bodies way of cleaning house.....i think it could get nasty in there.

    but i'm not a doctor,

    just a fellow girl

    good luck

  • The pill does have a failure fee, even though it incredibly is incredibly small. The pill, whilst it works because it would, prevents you from ovulating. No ovulation, no egg to fertilize, no being pregnant. possibilities are high, you're no longer pregnant. in case you're incredibly that demanding nevertheless, there is not any harm in taking a attempt. As a part observe, the pill does not safeguard against STDs and, as i stated, does have a failure fee. you're at your maximum secure whilst utilising the two condoms and the pill. in case you're no longer able to try this, then you definately ought to reassess having intercourse.

  • BC pills always mess with your hormones. You never know what to expect. I can't take them. I was on depo for 7 months and never had a period the whole time.

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