Do sunburns turn into tans?

I have exetremely fair skin...basically white. Today I got a very bad sunburn on my forehead. Will it turn into a tan? (I've never had one *wistfully*) Or will it just peel away and be normal?


  • depends on how bad the sunburn is. i'm exactly the same way. mine usually turn into a tan if they aren't bad but if they are they peel. if you want it to tan try aloe vera to reduce the rednesss but also put lotion on top! for me this helps it turn into a tan. :D good luck.

  • Well I recently got a horrible sunburn on my face and it made my face swell and was so bad I wanted it to be gone right away so I put aloe vera gel on it as often as i could and iced my face and it eventually turned into the best tan i've ever had. ALOE VERA GEL IS GREAT

  • i have fair skin too.

    one time i got a bad burn

    it turned into a little tan


    went back to normal and peeled away.

    you need to be more careful.

    burns/tanning causes more wrinkles with age

  • Usually it's not a tan because it could get red.

  • lol that's weired u never had a tan???look if u had sun protection on that means its not gonna peel and stay with tanned for a while but if u didn't it will certainly peel:S

  • if its really bad, its just gonna peel.

    if its not so bad, it will turn into a tan

  • it'll peel away.

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