How To Develop Pictures...?

I just got a new digital camera. and i am going to develop the pictures at Wal Mart for now, until we get a printer. I am asking what i should do before hand and while I'am at Wal Mart developing them.


  • You should bring your camera if you have photos in the internal memory, or transfer it to your memory card if you can. Bring the memory card, too. You can either have them print it for you or if they have those photo kiosk you can do it yourself - they'll teach you if you don't know how to use it - really easy to use. You can also do this at any place that develop photos, and has a photo kiosk. You can also have it developed online if you have a lot. This is a site that does it, and with today's gas, it's really cheap to go online to this site - 8 cents/copy + 99 cents shipping.

    Good luck!

  • instead of walmart you should use walgreens instead, if you live near one. if you go on the walgreens website, you can selecct pictures to develope and each one is only like 15 cents a picture. i once got 18 picture for less than $3

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