Do you consider agnosticism t?

Do you consider agnosticism to be practical or indecisive? Please expound on your opinion.

(asked before)


  • It is indecisive, procrastination and an inability to make up their minds despite all the evidence available!

  • Realistic.

    Remember, agnosticism isn't a position on belief, but knowledge- it states that it is either unknowable whether or not a god exists or that it is impossible to prove whether or not a god exists. However, agnostics also have a position on belief- they are either theist or atheist (or, in a few rare cases, apatheist).

    So most people are agnostic, whether theist or not, because it is a rather illogical view to believe that you can prove definitively the existence of supernatural creatures.

  • Agnosticism is the honest admission that one does not possess knowledge that one does not in fact possess.

    Anyone who defines or considers agnosticism to be "indecisive" doesn't understand what agnosticism is.

    "To use an excellent example I heard recently: I don't know whether there's ice cream in Madonna's freezer or not.

    Now, if I say, "I *know* there is ice cream in Madonna's freezer", or, if I say, "I *know* there *isn't* ice cream in Madonna's freezer", that isn't "making a decision". It's claiming to know something I don't, and, as I said, it's factually wrong, and it's lying.

    Saying, "I don't know if there is ice cream in Madonna's freezer or not," isn't "fence-sitting". It is honestly admitting to the only position I can logically take, the claim that I simply don't know, because, well, I *don't*. Whether Madonna has ice cream in her freezer or not is knowledge that I simply do not possess, and I have no problem at all admitting to that."

    --From: "The Logic of Agnosticism":

  • Indecisive. It's pretty straightforward. If you know anything about Christianity, agnosticism isn't enough. You have to actually be a Christian. Like, possibly believing in God isn't enough. Satan and his demons all believe in God. But they're not saved. It's just indecisive. I don't see how it could be practical. It's like having a fear of commitment.

    Maybe people run away from Christianity because they have to do things like not have sex outside of marriage. That's being afraid of commitment, instead of considering that it might actually be truth.

  • practical. No one knows for sure. It's irresponsible to claim to know either way. though acceptable to state that you would like to believe one or the other or function as if one or the other is true.

  • Practical.

    Simply because you can believe based on faith or you can not believe based on logic. When it comes down to it, no one knows for sure. So to be absolutely positive about your religious standing is absurd.

  • Indecisive and pushing around the bush

  • Everyone is agnostic. You can't know for sure anything really.. you can be extremely certain, like I am that faeries, santa, or god doesn't exist, but no one can ever know with 100% certainty.

  • I believe they are "uninformed", God is all around us and it is evident that he loves us, that's why he sent his son to die for our sins. :)

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