Cheetos or Frito's?

Star please! p l e a s e///???Yes! I have far too much punctuation! Oops!


Thanks everyone for the stars!! They will be comming right back at you, so please ask some questions!!


  • I am the frito bandito and I come to la-la-la IL lay.

    Well I really love the Cheetos...specially the new curly ones so I can stuff em in my mouth.

    Once upon a time a long time ago(this is a true story)

    I was at a hippy crash house in florida on the collage campus in Gains ville..I was hittin the mean green and got the munches.Some one bought out the cheetoes.And when I ate them they turned into little bugs and crawled down my throat.

  • Cheetos

  • Ooh I love Hot Cheetos, but that's about it when it comes to Cheetos, and I pretty much hate Frito's only because I ate them a lot growing up. So if I have to pick, i go with Cheetos, but if Funyions were a choice, I would pick that.

  • Cheetos

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