Petrol Prices !?

Why is the media keeping quiet about the latest creeping up of prices.?


This is th UK <> 92 pence per litre thats about 9 dollars a gallon in USA


  • I am not sure where you are, but here in upstate NY the price of gas is definitely not creeping up. It is more like they are skyrocketing. Price went up at one station 10 cents a gallon in approximately 7 hours!

  • I know they are creeping up all the time when they protested last time the petrol prices were much lower than what they are now but then a lot of people just moaned i worked in a petrol station at the time you wouldn't believe how many people were not prepared to put them selves out in order to get the fuel prices lowered and no i did not have fuel i walked to work while the ban was on but you have to suffer to gain victory

  • That is easy to answer there is to much going on at the moment they have other crusades to do like calling for an enquiry about how the security services failed to pick up the July 7th Bombers when the news is a bit quieter they will start on about petrol prices again to sell their newspapers

  • I don't know either. I think some of the news media might own stock in the oil companies??? Gasoline (petrol) has gone up about .50 cents in the last month here. I wonder what kind if prices people are paying world wide? here it is running about

    $ 3.00 / gal.

  • It is reduculus. The last time they were this high, there were truckers protests. I think it is the governments way of making us walk. price the petrol out of the market, and then we will have to use alternative transport.

  • I think its pressure from the Government to keep quiet. Lets face it they now own the BBC and it seems they control every other network so much for freedom of speech...Thank you very much Tony Blair for this 'democracy' you have created!!!

  • Because there are elections coming up, and at the moment the media are more focused on the possible outcomes of them.

  • so glad you asked that question - I have been meaning to for days now! Why is it rising, when there is NO publicity and nothing being done...

    Must be a government plot to see how far it can be raised b4 people complain about it! Then they can raise it that bit more!!

    If you find out, can you please post it on here?

  • There waqs a tax increase recently. But I know what you mean, the last time they were at this rate the press were fuming.

  • They went up a penny since yesterday! Not sure what's going on.

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