Do guys care if girls queef?
My ex and i did doggy alot and i would sometimes queef depends but now me and my new boyfriend had sex and i queefed but this time he was on top.. i never heard of that before i just kinda laughed and pushed him off and was like wtf he said it kinda bothered him but he just kept going. I dont get why they care its not like were farting its their faul. i just kinda want opinions to make me feel better about the whole situation. its kinda a new relationship.
my boyfriend is actually more okay with it than i am! lol
I start laughing, i can't help it!
anyways your right its nothing gross and its all their fault.
Don't feel bad about it deary
I'm sure for some men, it can be quite bothersome or weird. However, most mature men wouldn't think much of it because it is a natural bodily function caused by air getting pushed into you. Not our faults, at all. If anything it is there fault, LOL....I know it's embarrassing but the only thing you could really do is just laugh and shrug it off. Don't let it get to you or bother you. It happens to the best of us
My hubby has made me queef on numerous occasions the beginning I would get a little embarassed and my husband would just lay there and laugh..Lol, like that made me feel better. Ya, he's an a**. Now, when it happens we just both giggle a bit and blow it off. It's nothing.
Sadly there is nothing to prevent it but avoiding positions that cause queefing. Men don't care when it happens. But that takes an adult and mature man to understand why and how it happens in the first place, to understand what happens when a woman is in certain positions. If you are doing it with someone pretty young and not very knowledgeable.. and also immature then they are most likely to giggle. Sadly no matter how much a man tells you they don't care, women can't help to feel uncomfortable cuz it just feels so wear and sounds like a fart. Oh and you should also point it out to your partner so he don't think your farting.
Some guys are grossed out by it but whatever it really isn't our fault, if anything it's theirs for changing positions and pushing more air up there. The two guys that i've done it in front of have just laughed it off then continued.
I do it all the time, we cant help it!!
My BF doesn't care coz he's use to it, and we just carry on like nothing has happened, but i still get a little embarrassed.x x
I did it once with my boyfriend and it was worse than your case because he was actually down there(oral). hahaha he just laughed and kept going no big deal, its just the vagina sucks in oxygen and kinda releases it so it makes it.
My boyfriend doesnt care lol.
It never happens during sex though
Idk it depends on the boyfriend
I can queef on cue! That may sound gross but i can.. and i think he pulled away because guys dont like the idea of girls "farting" because thats basically what queefing is..
Dirty Sanchez is the bomb...
of course thats just disguisting