Do you think Kelly Ripa is a normo?

I was a watching "Live With Regis and Kelly"with Breandan Frasier and Kelly was talking about how people with special needs need to go on into regualar activities, but when Regis asked her if she wanted to help those people, she said "No! No way! I'm to frightened!" Does that mean she is a normo?

If you don't know what that means, then here a link:


  • i like Kelly Ripa, shes not wearid, i thinks shes funny, and she was just playing around...


  • maybe yes, I certainly feel the same though I'd never ridicule these people. I'm simply afraid of them because I feel that I wouldn't be able to handle the situation, like an MR would try hard to tell me something but I'd never figure out what he's trying to say. He'd get angry or disappointed and I'd get frustrated about making him feel that way.

  • maybe this is real life you know

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