How do I install Ubuntu as a dual boot system?

I have a HP Pavilion Media Center PC a1520n and I want a dual boot system. I have a live Ubuntu 6.06 CD. I want to know how to make my PC a dual boot PC without messing up my Windows Operating system.


  • To dual boot, you simply need to resize your Windows installation. Ubuntu takes care of the boot loader, grub. See this guide for help:

  • i dont understand why everybody is asserting they dont mixture properly, I fairly have performed it earlier and its superb. They dont even work together with one yet another by way of fact they are on distinctive partitions and punctiliously remoted. supply this a attempt: one million) in vista, top click laptop and click on handle. 2) on the left, click on Disk administration 3) click at thepersistent vista is on, in all probability the Cpersistent. top click it and decide cut back quantity. cut back the quantity by notwithstanding plenty area you go with for Ubuntu,, identity say atleast 10 gb. 4) restart with the ubuntu disk on your cdpersistent and shop on with the on demonstrate screen instructions to boot from cd-rom. 5) shop on with the instructions to place in ubuntu and while it asks what partition, go with the only that's the dimensions of what you created above. confirm you're determining on the final partition and not the vista one. 6) it is going to deploy and you at present have the two ubuntu and vista.

  • click on the link below this help me set up my system...with windows and linux

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