How do i ask my mom for a bra?
Ok well my breasts just started growing a bit and there growing sorta fast and they hurt a little i dont have my period yet.Its just that soon i will need a bra and im kinda shy about that stuff and and i dont like talking about it so like how will i ask my mom to buy me a bra or even tell her i got my period i would talk about it with my sis but like i said i just dont like talking about that sorta stuff so please help!
I know it's not easy, but just gain the strength when its just you and your mom to say that you'd feel more comfortable with a bra because your body is changing. It'll be the best, do it when she's in a happy relaxed move and it's just you two. Or if you have an older sister you can ask her to help you ask your mom too.
Your moms been through it she'll understand!
I would ask to go to the store, or the next time you're out go near the bra area/section and ask if you can get a bra. Nothing bad will happen if you ask your own mom. She went through the same thing so don't worry.
Tell her I need a bra before I start looking like grandma!
10 seconds of courage!
that's all you need to ask about bras, your period, anything. 10 secs is all you need to get the ball rolling!
Just tell her lol it's nothing to be shy or nervous about you're a girl so she would understand.
Mom, can i haz a bra?
if u like talkin with your sis have confedince and ask.ask her how she told your mom.