sister has a parasite in africa.. help?

My sister and I have been traveling through Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) for the last couple months now. We just arrived in Cape Town, South Africa and she started feeling sick and had chills and then really hot, now she just has stomach pains and overall tired. After many visits to various hospitals, they determined it's not malaria, but possibly a parasite. They prescribed her a medicine that we looked up and says it's for stomach aches… we don't know what to do, but hospitals around here are very unhelpful. We fly home in 12 days and I really don't want to have to go home early, but I don't know what to do. Any help on what it could be or suggestions for what to do would be great.


  • Medical care in Cape Town is better than you might have found in previous locations. I would suggest you take what the previous doctor gave and give it 12-24hours. If she is still feeling ill then try one of the major hospitals in the area. If she starts to feel better after taking the meds then no worries. Still see a doctor when you get home.

    The problem is no one here can see her test results thus we cannot really make suggestions. Taking the wrong meds or treating the wrong thing can make her far worse.

    It could be an infection, parasite or something as simple as food poisoning.

    Also see if you can get your hands on a bunch of bottles of water. She should drink as much as she can, it will help to flush her out and keep hydrated. Plenty of rest too, I know it sounds silly but with most medical issues rest is key.

    Good luck and I hope she feels better soon. Have a safe trip home.

  • If she's got parasites, then she must take ALBENDAZOLE. Ask the chemist abt its dosage. Its smthng like 3 tablets to be taken in 6 days. Parasites are there if there is itch in rectum and white worms are seen on faeces. But I think its infection in stomach due to any possible reason lyk junk or stale food. She must take antibiotics. Why don't u ring up ur family doctor?

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