Self esteem issues, 10 points?

for as long as i can remember, I have never felt pretty.

There are countless amounts of things I would change to my appearance if i could.

I have no confidence, and feel so ugly all the time. I'm really bothered by this mostly because it seems to hurt relationships, because I start to feel unworthy/disgusting.

I feel like my man of 1 1/2 yrs deserves better than me too.

These feelings cycle. Sometimes I feel horrible about myself, but sometimes I feel alright.

i feel fat all the time... im 5'7 and 118-120 pounds (differs at morning and night).. i know it doesnt sound too bad, but I feel obese.

It's weird. How can I just make myself not be completely disgusted with my appearance? How can I be more positive.


  • Many people feel this way, sometimes it is a cause of depression or chemical imbalances in the brain.

    But it is sometimes caused by many other things.

    There are many women, even those known for their beauty and famous women that do not feel pretty. You are not alone, this is why some are anorexia or have bulimia, they have one view of themselves that is often not real.

    In psychology, I remember this chapter where they had people draw a picture of how they think they look, and then showed a picture of how they really looked, I will never forget how different it was. This happens to many women, we are taught to be perfect, skinny etc. Just know that if you find you can not cope with these feelings get some counseling.

  • I've been working on this for years myself. What I have found is that I'm too self-absorbed, and the solution for getting out of this bondage of self is to get out and do stuff. Work,play, but especially to try and help others. Just little things like opening doors for people, giving people the right of way in traffic or with a grocery cart in the store, complimenting someone on how nice their yard looks. Do you know anyone else who might be a little down on themselves? Give them a call. Talk to them. You will both feel better. These are things which help me to get out of my head. I'm still incredibly selfish because I'm doing these things primarily so I will feel better about myself. They did a study years ago where they had people spend a minute or two standing in front of the mirror just smiling at themselves and found that those that did it were happier than those that didn't. You might feel kind of silly at first, but it works. I do it even when I'm not feeling down.

  • I know I feel that way to. That's why my mom does my hair. I have this birth mark on my neck and everybody thinks its a mole and they always make fun of me. My Friend is 90-100 pounds and she is in 10 grade and I am 90-100 pounds and she says that's freaky and I just tell her she is anorexic.

    All I think you can do is be your self and dont let anyone make fun of you like I did

    P.S Dont go to any emo websites that say that they can help you cure yourself!

  • Judging by what you wrote you are not fat at all.Perhaps you do not feel accepted by the people around you.Perhaps you need to find individuals such as yourself who will accept you as you are and not judge you.When you find a group that will accept you,and there is one without a doubt,you will start accepting yourself.find the ones like you and you will soon start to accept yourself without trying to be something you are not just because of those who do not like your appearance or part of character.Find your own "pack".It is the only way to build your self esteem.

  • It sounds like you may be experiencing depression and should seek help for it. Depression can make you think of negative things about yourself and can lead to an eating disorder. According to your height and weight you aren't fat at all, but you may feel that way due to depression or lack of energy. Here's a site that sends you one e-mail a day for free about reducing feelings of depression without medication:

    Also, here's another site for individuals who have low self-esteem and should be helpful for you:

    I hope this information helps a little and gives you some direction.

  • 1 Accept yourself as you are right now

    2.Love yourself as you think others may expect you to love them

    3Look at life objectively instead of being the subject of what is happening to you.

    4. Be honest with yourself

    5 tell people how you like being treated

    6 develop confidence in what you think and do

    7. Know what you want to be

    8 consider other peoples feelings as well as your own

    9 Change you thinking in order to change your feelings and actions

    10 Control your actions. Act rather than react

  • The ugly duckling syndrome, as a girl I could totally relate that. But I think it is good that we are like that because this very trait seperates us from those who are goodlooking but are concieted and proud for their looks. Whereas, the ugly ducklings will remain grounded and always humble because of their bitter past. So I think it is normal feeling like that in fact embrace it. "People put you down enough, that you start to believe it." Pretty woman

  • I learned that is it really hard to love someone unless you can love yourself; and the best way to love yourself is to get in touch with God and feel his Grace.

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