Maths problem, help please!?

Could you please explain to me how to factorise this:

x^4 + 7x^2 + 8

Any help is greatly appreciated! 10 Points for best answer!


  • First find the square root of the x^4. The answer is x^2

    Then find two factors of 8 which when we add is equal to 7.

    The factors of 8 are 1 and 8 and 4 and 2.

    1 + 8 = 9 which is not equal to 7

    4 + 2 = 6 which is not equal to 6

    So x^4 + 7x^2 + 8 can't be factored out.

  • what does x equal and i'll be able to answer it... But if you know what "X" ='s then this is what you should try:

    lets say x = 3

    The this is what you do

    x^4 (3^4) which is 3*3*3= 27

    and then 7x simply means 7x3= 21 and then it says ^2 which is squared and that would be 21^2= 441

    So we have 27+441+8



    Hope I did this write. I am only in 7th grade Alegebra. May have done it wrong. Haha. Sorry. BEST OF LUCK


  • (x^2+8)(x^2-1)

  • well, x^4=(x^2*x^2) because when multiplying exponets you just add

    so, you know it's (x^2+something)(x^2+something else)

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