Is Australia very similar to America?

Is Australia pretty much like America except the people have cooler accents?


  • I'm Australian... good question... and thanks for liking our accents : ) hehe.. very cute.

    In terms of infrastructure, highways, high rised city skylines, the dollar, the beaches, the weather.. then yes, I would say they are quite similar.

    Of course they are both unique in their own way.... Australia is very vast and about 90% of us live on the coast because there's a big desert in the middle : )

    As to being friendlier?! Well, I think that all comes down to the individual really, good and bad in every country.

    I would say America has more of a buzz about it, being more populated, making it a little more exciting... the pace of Australia generally is quite laid-back, but if you're an adrenalin junkie, there's always watersports and outdoor activities, but if you like the buzz of a big city, I think Sydney is the only place you'll feel it... (just one persons opinion). If you like to surf, anywhere around the country is great!

    But yeah to answer your question, I do think they are semi-similar... lots of US TV and quite influenced by America, but still it's own country.

    Hope that helps and again - just one persons opinion : )

    Enjoy it! Whenever you get there!

  • It's quite different. High School is grades 9-12 (14-17). 9th is Freshman, 10th is Sophomore, 11th is Junior, and 12th is Senior. The only classes you have to take all 4 years are English (Poetry, Stories, any form of Literature), Math (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry), and Physical Education. Grading is used as I'm about to say: If you average a 65%-69% on tests/quizzes/reports in a quarter, your grade is a D. If you average a 70%-79%, your grade is a C. If you average 80%-89%, your grade is a B. If you average a grade of 90%-100%, your grade is an A. Anything below a 65% is failing, which can result in summer school our you need to repeat the course. A grade of C is considered average, but if you want to get accepted into a good college. All this is what my school follows. The grading system may vary from school to school, but most of it is similar to this, like the required courses. Also, to graduate, you need a certain number of credits. A full year course, such as English or Earth Science, is worth 1 credit. A half-year course, like Bussiness Apps or Keyboarding (Typing), is worth 1/2 a credit. Physical Education is comprised of 2 half-year courses. Also, in New York State, you need evidence of a certain amount of science lab hours. You are required to do at least 43 of these lab experiments in your Freshman year. This is all the basics. Grading for the SATs or ACTs are much different than this and is too complicated for me to explai. I hope this helps!

  • No, not at all.. Even though Australia is becoming a bit more like America everyday.. I wouldn't call it "similar"

    We have different cultures, different laws, different people, we're more friendly.. Better education systems.. Better weather.

    By the things I've seen on the news in the last few months about America, I'm glad I live in Australia..

  • Australia has more knowledge in water sporting goods and things like that. America is better with movies and stuff. Both have their pros and cons, but they are both developed countries with the same brands and intentions, so yes, they are similar.

    BTW, the aussie accent is not always easy 2 understand, but i agree, it is a cooler accent.. =]

  • Australia is MUCH better than America.

    It is far safer, our people are friendlier, our climate is infinitely superior and our education system is better to name just a few important differences.

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