Leonardo Dicaprio or Nick Carter?

Which one is better looking? But I don't mean now, I mean back in the mid-1990s. And which is your favorite actor/singer?


  • Leo wins anyway you look at it

  • Leonardo DiCaprio HANDS DOWN.

  • Back in the day Leonardo Dicaprio was the lead star in my pre-teen dreams.

    Him and Andrew Keagan and Devin Sawa.

  • I had the biggest crush on Nick Carter back then so I'll pick him.

    Fave singer: Michael Jackson

  • Leonardo Dicaprio

    My fave actor is Eddie Murphy - hes damn funny lol

  • Leonardo Dicaprio !!!!!! Hands down !!!

    He was AMAZING on Titanic!

    And he's Mega Hott!

  • leo definately!!! i always thought nick carter was 1. too skinny 2. seemed a little gay 3. a little kid.....his brother nick is hot though!

  • leonardo dicaprio!!! :) first answerr

    ewwwwwwww nick carter is soooo gross lol

  • LEONARDO DICAPRIO haha. and haley williams from paramore

  • the 1st actual one grow to be Mehdi El Glaoui I guess you never heard of him. i grow to be a splash lady and he grow to be an extremely lovable boy (I desire I had discovered a image of him). i grow to be an extremely long term in the past and he grow to be enjoying Sébastien in a French television sequence "Belle et Sébastien" a pair of boy and his canine. the tale grow to be directed and were written by utilizing his mom Cécile Aubry, who grow to be nicely-time-honored in France on the time.

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