lips don't close naturally..?
Ever since I was about 8 years old and my adult teeth grow in, i've had a problem with my lips closing naturally... because basically, they don't! I have to do it consciously so I don't look gormless :L
I've had braces before, I got them off a year ago, and although my teeth are straighter now, but two front teeth are still on show unless I force my lips shut.
Can this be fixed? Or do I have to suffer from braces again...?
You should speak to a your dentist or orthodontist about this. They are the professional who can see what your mouth and lips look like.
Ok, I laughed. Not at you, but at myself. I'm sitting here reading your question and realized my mouth is hanging open. It does that sometimes when I'm not paying any attention. Actually, I've noticed a lot of people tend to walk around with their mouth agape. Seems to be pretty common. Don't worry about it too much. If nothing else, pick up a few decent comebacks for those people who see fit to make fun of you for it. It's really none of their business. It is, after all, your mouth.