Do you wear a mask?

Mask is used as a metaphor for covering up something... so if you do what are you covering up?... if anything.


  • It depends who im with....when im with my friends, i dont wear a mask in the sense that im not myself, because i am, but kind of tend to wear half a mask sometimes, like when im sad, i dont want it to show and so i smile....and with other people, i always wear a mask, because i dont want them to see who i am, because i feel like i have to protect my inner self...if that makes any sense....

  • Well last time I was at a party and then this guy with mask told me I stink so i went to the store to buy some liquor but the manager said I was fired so I went to the church to get some water but then I didn't hear any smoke alarm so I got up and went to restroom because I needed to take a leak then this guy came by and said I have poo in my face, so that's why that guy said i stink, so I took his mask and left. It was a good day.

  • Everyone wears a mask to the dance of life.

  • I wear a mask that hides the face of the stranger, the one you never want to let inside. But it is a mask we all want to try on.

  • Of course, everyone does. If they answer 'no' then that right there is their mask. No one completely puts himself out there for teh world to see. We use things like food, sex, money, materail objects, to cover up what we want to hide. Aren't we humans a peculiar bunch?

  • Do i wear a mask?

    only in front of my husbands mom.

  • Those who say "no", are either cheating us or have made their mask their true personality...

    I often wear the mask of fearless, of optimistic, of joyous.....

  • Lol who really wants to know what i'm covering up

  • a quarter Mask like zorro ,

    that means that i do not reveal everything

    not here in Mexico

  • i think we all wear masks at one time or another

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