true or false?????????????????????

one of the reasons republicans herbert hoover was elected president in 1928 was that his opponent alfred e. smith was roman catholic


  • True. Hopefully, we've learned not to allow religion to sway the vote again. (Hoover -> Great Depression)

  • There was a bit more than that, although it was a contributing factor of his defeat:

    It was reporter Frederick William Wile who made the oft-repeated observation that Smith was defeated by "the three P's: Prohibition, Prejudice and Prosperity"

    The Republican Party was riding high on the economic boom of the 1920s, which their presidential candidate Herbert Hoover pledged to continue. Historians agree that the prosperity along with anti-Catholic sentiment made Hoover's election inevitable, although he had never run for office. He defeated Smith by a landslide in the 1928 election.

    It wasn't a prejudice concerning the Catholic religion, but more a fear of the Pope, as the Pope was a much more political force in that era. Citizens were afraid that the Pope would end up running the country, through his 'potent' political influence.

    Even the Catholics were afraid of the Pope running America, and turning it to the religious rule.

  • I'd say true because at that time there was a lot of anti-Roman Catholic sentiment.

    Edit: Note to Sam. Robert Kennedy was never President. His brother John was. JFK was the only Roman Catholic President we've ever had. Welfare as we know it today was put in at some point in the 60s.

  • That could be one of the reasons. JFK was the first and that stirred some controversy. Smith was also Irish-American . And perhaps Hoover had a better charisma, a smoother talker.

  • I wasn't born till 1930. Seems I remember my Mother saying Hoover was president then. I don't know what faith he was. I thought Kennedy was the first Catholic. ~~~

    As long as the president isn't of the Muslim honor killings & such type religion, who cares. I'm afraid of Obama ~~~

    Wake up America ~~~

  • One of the reasons, yes. The other was the prosperity that the country was experiencing, and Hoover's vow to keep it going. We all know how *that* worked out...

  • False. Robert Kennedy was Roman Catholic, as a matter of fact, more than half of the past presidents were Roman Catholic.

    Hoover promised to put a chicken in every pot, aka welfare.

  • i agree religion definently plays a large role in politics. if a canidate ran for office and he was n athiest no matter hoe good he was he would probably loose because of peoples intollerence

  • True or false?

    Only one question mark is needed for people to realise you're asking a question?


  • False! It was because Herbie offered the people "a chicken in every pot" and the people were starving.

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