Adobe After Effects RAM preview problem?

my vid is about 55secs and and it only rams till 25secs i tried to render but dat also failed please help me i want complete video and i want to save it please help


i mean to say that it previews the video till 25 sec and not till 55 sec


  • How much RAM do you have? If your RAM is low, you should set the resolution to 1/4 and reuse the screen size to 25 or 50%. RAM prev is just to get an idea that everything is animated or timed right. It's not a real render. If everything is as you want it, just render the video (thru the Render Queue)

  • What, on Earth, are you talking about? Your video "rams til 25secs". What is that supposed to mean?

  • most suitable suggestion shippo! between that and going to edit >purge> image caches, i'm ultimately in a position to ram preview with out my pc shutting down. i assume i am going to inspect and improve the ram as solid.

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