am i just paranoid?

Ok.. my period.. 6 days late, now im only 17 so i know its probably still not normal, but its never been this late...i havent had sex between my last period and now, but did have sex before my last period... and i DID get a period, 6 days long, normal amouts of bleeding.. etc.. but now...however many days later.. no period!! i have just started summer vacation, so my sleeping pattern has changed, and ive gained some weight, so that may be it..but my last period was 3 days early, and happened 6 days after i had sex and i know theres such thing as breakthrough bleeding and all that.. but mine was a normal i said 6 days, normal amount of blood..all that.


we did use a condom, i didnt feel anything like it broke or anything, but im not with him anymore, and we both are dating new people.. im not sure what the chance of the condom breaking really is...i mean it was kinda rough...not to be graphic or anything, im just reallly worried.


  • honey, get ready for a life of std's and unwanted pregnancy. ps. guys don't respect girls like you, they laugh at you behind your back

  • You are probably OK, but I would go get a pregnancy test at the drug store just to make sure. You need to remember that if you are going to have sex, you need to be on birth control and your partner needs to wear a condom. If you have unprotected sex, there is a very good chance that you are going to get pregnant and there is also a good chance that you are going to contract a STD. Be smart, use protection or be smarter and don't have sex at all until you are married.

  • Probably just paranoia - that too can delay your period. Get a home pregnancy test to put your mind at ease. If the last time you had sex you used protection I'd think the chance that you are pregnant is pretty low.

  • You should be fine, women ovulate roughly 2 weeks before their period, so if you had sex say 14 days before your period, I would worry. Many women never have normal periods. Also, you should try protection, or getting married, then you wouldn't stress so much.

  • Even with protection you could have gotten pregnant plus its possible to be pregnant and still have a period which may have happened. Good idea to at least take a home pregnancy test..

  • Hmm, your probubly fine. Hormones are always fluxuating. Especially if your doing either too much exercise or too little. You hormones get very thrown off. I would suggest that if in another week if it hasn't started, you can worry. But yoiur most likely fine.

  • You might be ok, but just to be on the safe side, take a test to know for sure and you won't have that on your mind anymore.

  • Im also 17 and my period is also late

    maybe its hormonal imbalance or something...

    try to go to ur obgyne?

    ohh god ur too young to make love...

    ^^ we're both young....

  • if you had unprotected sex, then you can get pregnant. take a test.

  • thats what condoms are for~!!!!

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