How do you run faster?

My coaches told me I would be playing a backup spot on the football team if I can't run any faster and my other coach told me I wouldn't be in the track team if I didn't run faster.. so I need some tips or ideas on how to run faster! (please i want some decent answers!) :)


  • ok, i play track and play football too. i am a wide reciever and cornerback on the football team, and i have two school records in track. so here is how i got fast. you need to build your legs. do leg presses and calf raises. next you need to get really good at the power clean. that excercise really builds your speed. and third you need to run. work on your start speed, because the start is everything. just make sure you take in alot of protein. well good luck, if you follow a regimine you will get faster. hope you do well

  • Once you fire out of your stance focus on a point directly infront of you passed the finish line. This will keep you in a straight line. Try not to run flat footed, or on your tiptoes. Run on the balls of your feet.

    If you want to increase your speed dramaticlly over summer, e-mail me and I will get you my lifting and agility program I use for my football team.

    If not a good way to increase speed is to do hill work. Downhill sprints stregthen your fast twitch muscles.

    Fast Twitch Muscles control short, forceful busts of energy that are important to every position on the Football field. The two keys to focus on while conditioning Fast Twitch Muscles are the landing and the counter action. Take Jump Rope for example, when landing from a single jump you instantly counter act the landing by jumping again. Those two actions are critical to focus on while training Fast Twitch Muscles. It is imperative that you properly stretch and warm up your muscles before preforming Fast Twitch Muscle exercises.

    Up hill sprints will build muscle and power, also helpful for your 40 time.

    I suggest you start by stretching out. Really get a good stretch before running. If your muscles are tigh, you lose speed. It's that simple. Run 10 down hill sprints. Now I'm not saying run down the face of a mountian. You want a gradual incline about 20 yards or so. Be sure you have plenty of room to slow down and stop. Uphill sprints you can use the same hill or if there is a steeper one around use that.

  • There are two things to increase: stamina (aerobic capacity) and speed.

    In order to increase the first, just do endurance excersize. In order to increase speed, do track work. Just go to a track (there might be one around your field), and do 100 meter sprints as fast as possible, wait for your heart rate to calm, then do it again. 20-30 sprints per day will get your speed up in no time at all.

    Good luck

  • My soccer coach always tells us to do lunges if we want to be faster. We all do and almost every game we get a comment on how fast we are.

  • Practice everyday especially early in the morning, it will helps you to run faster.

  • there are coaching things like pick up your knees more in sprint...

    but the training thing to look at would be plyometrics, a way of strengthening the explosive power of muscles.

  • 1. Sprint up an apartment about seven stories high and do five repetitions every day. Its that simple.

  • Don't run flat footed.... run on your toes.. oh and most important jump rope a lot.. builds all those leg muscles.

  • if you want to get football fast you should work on your explosion. try doing power cleans, hang cleans, etc. also hip flexibility is very important, try stretching your hips abductors after workouts.

  • increase ur stamina and then at right time use ur full energy

    try to run on ur toes it will make u run quickly

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