Who Is Prettier?

who would u date? we both have never had boyfriends. please answer honestly.

who is prettier?





  • The second one. But theyre both pretty

  • B is because she looks more put together.

    But A can be just as good looking if she got a different haircut.

    Seriously though, Its not cool that one of you is trying to "prove" to the other one is better. Dont get jealous, I abosulutely hate jealous people.

    Also dont feel bad that you both haven't had boyfriends, I haven't either. :(

  • I like the second one the girl with long brown hair. I think she has a very pretty and sweet face. I would date her.

  • the second one the 1st on looks lik a teacher / mom

  • the second one...

  • i would go with plan B as in the # ²

  • if you give your guy ages also would help.

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