How do you know? (Guys Please)

I like this guy and he is a year older than me. He acts shy around me and went he tries to talk to me he sounds a little nervous. I catch him looking at me sometimes. Although he is less nervous around these other girls, he's always joking around with them and he seems more outgoing and he pays more attention to them, I wish he would do that to me. Does he like me or... not?


  • Alot of guys are shy and nervous around girls they like. Initiate some 1 on 1 conversations with him, he'll get less nervous.

  • Yes, it sounds like this guy likes you. Guys are usually shy around girls that they like, and this situation is a perfect example. He's probably shy because he doesn't want to do anything stupid in front of you and make himself look stupid. Another sign that he likes you is that sometimes you catch him looking at you. He probably just doesn't pay as much attention around you because he's really nervous and just doesn't know what to say. Try to make him feel more comfortable around you, and if you make yourself look stupid in front of him, it will show that it's okay to not be perfect and he may start opening up to you. Well good luck and I hope that everything works out for you.

  • Just because he is comfortable with some girls and not you, means that he likes you more then just a friend. You can wish all you want, but he will still be nervous around you until he at least gets more comfortable, especially if you guys spend some time together outside of school. Try to talk to him yourself, and make him comfortable by making eye contact and being really nice to him every time you confront him.

  • He sure does. The reason that is so much more outgoing around the other girls is that there is not risk to him of making himself look bad. He is more cautious around you because he cares what you think about him. These are all things that can be overcome but it will take action on your part. Egg him on and show him that it is ok to be himself around you. Show him that you enjoy it when he is like that and it will make him feel more comfortable.

  • Sounds like he does and he is just getting shy around you. Maybe strike up a conversation with him, or try and hang with him. Who knows, see what happens!

  • Maybe he knows them better and he's trying to draw attention away from his looking at you. It sounds like he could definitely like you! Maybe the only way to get him to treat you the way he treats these girls is to engage him in conversation and look approachable. Good luck!

  • ive never had that problem cos i am quite confident but i know people who r shy! and i tell then just to talk to the girl! so i think that u should try to get in to a simple convo with him and see where things go from there! maybe give him ur mobile number and get him to text u till he is confident to come and talk to u!

    good luck!


  • I would say that he does. It seems all guys are different and sometimes we are shy around the people we like. It's that damaging to us.

  • He does, that's why he isn't outgoing. He needs your help so go up to him and strike a conversation then he'll start to open up.

  • lol , Well i know all about this one .. This has been a problem my whole life ,lol ..... the more attracted i am to a woman ------------- the harder it is to be relaxed around her . Soooo, i would say , he likes u a whole lot .......... Good luck , also u might have the one to break the ice first

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