My dog is very depressed..
I live with my family, and my brother has a pitbull. She is the sweetest, most gentile dog we've ever had. Well, my brother and Kaydee (the dog) used to spend every waking, and sleeping, minute together..playing, training, sleeping, everything. Then, my brother got a new job and a new girlfriend, and now he is never home. Well, Kaydee has gotten very depressed, she looks at you with those big sad eyes and she doesn't seem to want to do anything lately. Also, we got a new puppy, and she lets the puppy bite her and she lays down (is very submissive) towards it. The vet says that this is bad, since the puppy is going to be about 200 lbs, and will seriously hurt her if she doesn't stand up for herself (right now, the puppy has bit into her neck and she has cuts and puncture wounds all over her). Anyway, she has been extremely depressed, and I have tried to pay extra attention to her, but she doesn't seem to be coming out of it. What should I do?
Just as with humans, what you need to do is take her mind off the past.
Take her out for long walks and play with her. Frisbee and fetch are good, but you really need to make the effort to show her that she is still in someone's heart.
It would be a good idea for your brother to make an effort and be there for her too. Try not to be too stern with her, and give compliments and affection generously.
I had a puppy that did that neck biting thing to the older dog. Our dog trainer told us that an adult dog will give a puppy leeway for awhile, but that they will "correct" the puppy's behavior. I hated it though and would make the puppy leave the older dog alone.
Try taking the older dog for walks by herself, let her sleep with you, if you can take her for a drive, do it. Anything she used to love before you got the puppy, do it with her (but not the puppy).
Could you talk to your brother and let him know how Kaydee seems to be feeling. Maybe your brother could make some time for his best friend because she always made time for him.
There are several things you can do
a. Spend some time with the adult dog away from the new puppy.
b. While your dog is being submissive right now she probably won't be when the puppy is a little older, if you are really concerned about the puppies behavior you may need to correct the puppy.
c. Buy the adult dog some new toys, take her on walks just you and her and spend some quality time with her maybe at obedience class.
If there's one thing dog lovers recognize, it's that our best animal friends--while very different from us--are strikingly similar to people in many ways. A case of the blues, and even outright depression, is but one more malady we share. As humans, we can rationalize our feelings, try to understand them, and seek a way out. Our dogs aren't so lucky. They often need our help, and our love and involvement, to break out of the cycle.
poor puppy! now you start spending some time with him and take that puppy down if he hurts that sweet pit bull!
well seperate the dogs