School Dress Code?
ok i'm having a problem here
my school dress code requires that i wear my shirt tucked in at ALL times with a belt (not good together)
my question is how can i look good while still following the school dress code?
Update:yea they say that wearing ur shirt untucked is DISRESPECTABLE
and its a PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!
oh god!! i hate school dress code...i prefer you see what you can do. like ummm wear a cute belt and have your hair cute and stylish. and with nice sandles. so that should help. just see what you could twist around.
My highschool have been given one in basic terms as I graduated. My sister had to handle a uniform (khakis and specific colored shirts) in the time of school. She did no longer ***** regarding the dress code, she complained approximately human beings having intercourse everywhere.
tuck your shirt in, butt they didnt say where your belt had to be rite?? so wear it on your shirt, like not in the belt hole things in your pants, it looks a lot cuter and your following the dress code! :]
Just wear a sweater or jacket over it or a shirt thats not long enouhg to tuck in.
Good luck hope i hope this helps
dont wear the belt
i had that.
then i went to this other school.
now i have uniforms.
wat i did was i wore a jacket over it.
i got caught for it...but u might b able to get away.
wow thats lame, i would hate it if my school had that rule.
you can still look good.