Abnormal CPU Processor Speed?

Hi, my processor is 1.86 Ghz. However, when I use the Can I Run it tool to check out my system performance, it says "You Have: 1.05 GHz Performance Rated at 1.57 GHz" Why is this. It was not like this before.


  • There are three possible reasons:

    1) The tool is not measuring CPU clock speed but CPU performance. Even though you have a 1.86GHz CPU, because its performance is below-average for its clock speed, the tool is reporting the speed lower.

    2) You have something like SpeedStep or Cool and Quiet that is letting your CPU run cooler and slower when it's not under load. The tool you are using is not correctly understanding this and things your CPU is slower than it actually is.

    3) Your CPU is misconfigured in your BIOS or was overheating at the time and was not capable of running at its rated speed at the time you ran the tool.

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