1995 honda civic problem?
Ok so this is what's up..
My car keeps on idling up and down once it gets warmed up. Now I figured it could be the coolant or radiator that has bubbles sending a wrong signal which confuses the Aicv sensor,
Then I flushed my radiator system.
I also change all the hoses that might possibly have a leak such as vacuum hoses etc... I thought this would fix the problem, but obviously it didn't..
Now how do you know if the Throttle positioning sensor is bad? Could it be the map sensor too?
Also, my check engine comes on once i hit 6,000 Rpm..
Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks!
I had a similar problem, it was my purge control. The vacuum line was cracked, it really does sound like a vacuum problem. If you have bubbles in your coolant, this could be a result of a cracked, or warped head, where exhaust gases escape into the coolant jackets. Your engine light coming on at 6,000RPM is your Vtec solenoid, or Vtec oil supply, The best thing to do is replace any vacuum lines that seem brittle or sun damaged. Vacuum lines are a pain, but very inexpensive. It could be something as simple as your air filter being clogged also. It would idle smooth due to rich/lean mixture jumping back in forth. When idling cold, the engine runs rich, than when getting to operating temperature it leans itself out, but if very little air is getting through, it could jump your Air Fuel mixture and cause sluggish idling.