squeaky back brakes!?

ok, i bought a gary fisher mamba at a pawn shop for dirt cheap. the back brakes were fine until a about 20 minutes ago. i changed my back tire (and had to take off one of the brake pads so i could put the new tire back in) and i then reinstall the tire and brake pad, take it for a test ride and 1. i put the tire in backwards and the back brakes sound like a canadian goose!!!!! what should i do? the brakes say "promax" on them.


edit: i cant find any rubbing alcohol and also, i am not sure what you mean by " toe in" or whatever. thanks, please explain more.


  • Okay... It is most likely the angle of the brake pad. If you toe them in, they should stop squeeling...

    This means that the front of the pad should hit the rim first. If it is the other way around, or if the pad is flush with the rim, it can squeal because of trapped air.

    Spin the tire in the normal direction, and press your finger to the rim pointing to the front of the bike - it should run smooth on your finger. If you turn your finger around pointing in the opposite direction of the rotation, it won't be smooth - same thing with the brake pads.

    Toe the pads in just slightly.. just so the front hits first - no more than that.

    you can also clean your rims - I recommend rubbing alcohol and light sandpaper for this. Also make sure the surface of the brake pad is clean too. Rubbing alcohol because it doesn't leave any residue.

    Good luck.

  • Toe in is when the front of the brake pad hits before the back of it.

    Just loosen the pad and move it so the front of the pad (the edge that points down and to the front of the bike on the back brake) will touch the rim first, then tighten. Make sure that the pad is in line with the rim as well.

    In the future, there is no need to remove a pad to take off the wheel. Just pull the metal "L" shaped noodle out of the brake arm and the brake will spring apart. Just reverse the operation to get the brake operational.... very easy.

  • alri if its a new break pad it usually does squeak it will eventually stop_its not broken in yet!

    they were probably thightened much mre than they were already!!

    also if the weather is cold were u r_it has an effect on the car too_

    come to think of it so does hot weather!

    the whole shrink & expand thing does effect the car!! unfortunately!!

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