Should I do a degree or diploma course?

My boss has offered to pay for whichever course I choose. I work full-time and the course is at night for 3 hours a night, two nights a week. The degree course is for 4 years and the diploma course is for a year. They are both in journalism.

The degree course is much more expensive than the diploma so he will probably ask me to sign a contract which will state that I have to work for him for at least 5 or 6 years. There will be no contract with the diploma.

Im leaning more towards the diploma because its less of a committment...because i work full time and live with my boyfriend (so i have to pay rent) im worried that it will be too much for me. So if the diploma works out I can do the degree next year, right?

My family and friends are telling me that Im being stupid not doing the degree, what do you think?


  • Do a diploma first then you can do a top up degree. That's what i've done - diploma then straight into the 3rd year of a degree programme, entry year usually depends on university. Good luck.

  • the degree will give you more. obviously you cannot complete the same amount of information in 1 year as in 4 years. if your employer is willing to pay for either, go for the degree. it will be easier to use the degree to get another job than the diploma. with the time problem, see if you can take the classes part time instead of full time until you get used to it. you can take summer classes as well so that you can still complete in about 4 years. yes, you may have to stay with that employer longer but you will come out with a degree that you didn't have to pay for at all!!!!!!!!

  • To compete for bigger jobs you would be wanting a level. A degree isn't corresponding to a level. In my united states, a level is an greater qualification than degree. My suggestion is, in case you scored adequate factors to get you admission to a learn programme of your determination and you're able to arise with the money for, then choose for the degree. The degree course is a slower course on your degree!

  • personaly i would go for the diploma first and the degree next year,it makes sense to want to be on your feet first.

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