Do You Think I'm Pretty? (3 Pictures)?

These pictures have no affects on them, sorry if I pose (I know I pose on the one where I smile with my teeth). Soo...I hope these pictures are good enough for you to judge. I won't be offended by your honest opinion :) also, what's my best feature? (sorry about the lighting on my face) (sorry about the pose)


I'm not 10, I just have no makeup on these photos so I look young. I'm 14.


  • You are pretty for your age, dont worry!

  • 7/10,

    and you really need to work on your hair, it somehow looks idk, oily. It doesn't look good.

    oh and you should realize it's a public web right, so just watch out for pedophiles looking at your picts, etc. don't be an attention whore, boys hate attention whore.

  • Nah I don't think your pretty , if you had higher cheek bones & a sharper face then maybe

  • Not really because attention whoring makes you ugly.


  • to young for me to rate you look like your 10.

  • You're pretty! I think I like the sencond one best:)

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