Miscarriage? Plase answer ASAP!! Pregnancy?

So I totally forgot I was pregnant cause I was keeping it off my mind so I won't get stressed out. Still planing to tell my parents. But so I went for a ski-doo ride on the back on the slide, as we went, they kind of went fast and I fall on my back hard..

I'm like 2-3 weeks pregnant. Please hopefully I don't get a miscarriage!! But I do have lower Abdominal pain. No bleeding or anything other things but sore back but that was there before that happened.


  • Nobody can say if you will miscarry or not. Miscarriages are common in the early weeks of pregnancy. But there is no reason to think that a fall will CAUSE a miscarriage. There is no reason to rush to the doctor ... there's nothing she can do.

    (But how can you be 2-3 weeks pregnant? At 2 weeks pregnant you have just ovulated --- at 3 weeks the fertilized egg hasn't yet implanted.)

  • I agree with KD, however having already had 3 children myself (and they aren't that old for me to have forgotten the warnings from my OB-GYN) I do remember that the first trimester is the one in which a miscarriage is more likely than the second or third trimester. Go see your doctor, you don't even have to tell your parents why you need to see the doctor if you don't want them to know that you are pregnant yet.

  • Go to the doctor, that's pretty early, so your chances of a miscarriage are very low, but I'd see a doctor anyway, just to be safe.

  • Your baby would be the size of a poppy seed and well protected.

  • how the fu.ck do you forget youre harboring a tiny human inside your body

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