does schizophrania cause this problem?

my mom has had schizophrania for like the past 6 years and for about 1-2 yrs now shes been very greedy about money i mean she was always a money greedy person even before she got schizo but now its gone bad.. she doesnt buy me and my brother good food thats edible to eat she only buys stuff she knows how to eat and she buys stuff and keeps it in the fridge and cooks it after like a month its been expired and tries to serve it to us.. she also makes us pay for whatever we eat, drink outside the house (mcdonalds, pop) and now shes even making us pay the bills.. she gets money from welfare every month and ive seen her buy alot of purses and shes like "Its my money i can do whatever i want with it" i mean if you arent gonna take care of your own kids why did u have 4 then dammit


  • I don't know if those problems are directly mentally related, but it's never a good idea to let a schizophrenic be a parent. If this goes on, you should probably contact the police.

  • I don't know if these problems are caused by her schizophrenia, but I can understand that they could be related. Your mother does not have to pay for you to eat outside the house or go to McDonalds or even for soda at all, that's a luxury. Other than that though, it sounds like she is not providing for you properly. I don't know how old you are, but I assume you're under 18 otherwise you would have no right to complain. I second the idea to contact her case worker. Good luck!

  • i would discuss these problems with her case manager, and if u can , her doctor , if she has one. if she is schizophrenic, she may be on medication. some of this behavior could be attributed to her schizophrenia, which should be controlled by her medications. talking to her doctor about these issues, that sounds like are a danger to her health may warrant a medication review,from her doctor. if she is disabled, or not being able to hold down a job, she may qualify for a disability pension, that may pay more than welfare, and for this you can discuss this with your mothers welfare worker. hope this helps your situation. if all else fails you may be dealing just with behaviour which is hard to change. good luck

  • Yes, schizophrenia can cause these problems. Call your mom's doctor as soon as you can. He or she will know how to handle and fix this situation.

  • schizophrenia is just a title that is given to people who behave weirdly in your mums case I think she is selfish and greedy. I think you need to start cooking for your self to prevent food poisoning, as for paying the bills it's better that you pay them then if they don't get paid at all and don't worry you don't need to live with your parents forever as for now grow up quick think of your self as an adult and be there for your brother and just hate the mad ***** and pray you don't become like her with your own family. thats what really matters......

  • its sound like shes haveing proublums that is not her money its for youre care they onley give welfare to peploe with children for a reson the children and it should be used for you

  • Call your local Children and Youth Services. If what you say is true, this constitutes abuse.

  • you should try to contact her case worker

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