Good comic series to read?

What's a good comic book series to read? Preferably something with tons of action and fighting, with a good story and well-developed characters.


  • Well, I can't help you if you like Anime (I'm into American comics - Marvel, in particular), but if you're looking for that kind of comic, Deadpool and Daredevil are probably what you're looking for (you also can't go wrong with the classic Spider-Man, Captain America, Avengers, X-Men...)

  • So you want a comic book series that is fast paced, good story and plot, and lots of action and fighting. Ok then The Teen Titans would be best for you. Not the one from the New 52, its not that good. Preferably, I like the New Teen Titans series from 1980. It had good characters, it had tons of action. Almost in every issue these teenagers were fighting either monsters, assassins, super humans, gods, aliens, and ghosts. Its about teenagers who have their own unique powers who team up to become, well the New Teen Titans. Towards the middle of the series, if you like superhero betrayal, one of the characters betrays them and teams up with their worst enemy. This series has romance, comedy, and most of all ACTION. Oh yeah this lasted from 1980-1988. The name changed in 1984 from The New Teen Titans, to the Tales of The Teen Titans. You can find these cheap, but they are my favorite comic book series.

  • Because of the new batman movie that came out, the dark night series (comic books) are really becoming a hit, you can find the list here:

    Other comic books are walking dead, and also anime (I never read it but I know people that have and they like it) But I really recommend the dark night

  • the new 52 is really good, especially the detective comics.

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