Egypt...translate pain into arabic?

Pain ,,pain,, go away,,,,,,,come back another day.

which do u think is harder to bear physical pain walla emotional pain?

i think physical pain is easier to deal with, cuz u can scream and cry all u want,,, people can see the illness so they sympathize...but when it's intangible,,u have smile,act normal,,,as if there is nothing going on,,,,yet everything is going on..but inside.


@mac,,thank u for the link,,it is very sweet of u.


  • i think emotional pain is harder ..

    physical pain...whatever has been hurt physically will maybe left with scars etc but at least it has healed

    emotional pain sometimes never goes away or is never healed, and has that way of going away for some time and then returning even stronger... for me emotional pain is greater.

  • I think emotional pain can be worse. It's easier for me to take physical pain. The grin & bear it type of pain. It's much harder to grin when you are devastated with emotional pain such as a loved one dying or going through a divorce and losing a family due to that. I'd rather be stabbed multiple times. With physical pain you know it can heal. With emotional pain you're not sure if it can ever heal and it can stay with you forever.

    Btw, the translation for the word "pain" in Arabic is ألم

  • Just think about the millions of kids across the globe that are getting physically and mentally abused everyday. 10 years from that point---the point where they finally branch out and detach from the abuse. The physical pain will have vanished and the wounds would have healed. But words are stronger than they are led out to be---do you know that quote --"sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me?"---it's a bunch of crap. Emotional abuse is very scarring and it's something that is neglected as a serious issue by many people, unfortunately. It's the gate way to many psychological problems down the line.

  • No physical pain is unbearable like someone who just got his leg amputated is much more severe than someone who failed in love for instance.

    Plus God blessed us with with forgetting so any emotional pain fades with time but sometimes physical pain never goes away and lives with you until you hit the grave.

  • Physical pain.

    Emotional pain can be very dangerous, and even cause you to suicide.

    But Physical pain is just something w bet ru7 ba3d kam en yom.

  • Sometimes pain is brought to us by our own selves

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