Teens: Do you read bios?
As in the "about mes" Yahoo! Answers users put on their profile?
I recently edited mine. Feel free to check it out. I love my mission in life. Haha...
BQ: Have you written an about me?
BQ2: How was your day?
As in the "about mes" Yahoo! Answers users put on their profile?
I recently edited mine. Feel free to check it out. I love my mission in life. Haha...
BQ: Have you written an about me?
BQ2: How was your day?
Sometimes I do. I've found a couple interesting ones. Most I see are like mine though, just a little tidbit and not very informative, or say "message me if you want to know more" though I'd feel like a creeper messaging someone I don't really know.
BQ: I don't think so. I had a little one before but I think I erased it. Maybe I'll edit mine.
BQ2: It's going pretty good, just started though! I had to wake up at 6 with my younger siblings, and now I have a headache, but I got chocolate chip pancakes and I'm up here fooling around a little before I have to clean my room and start my research paper, so I'm pretty happy.
K I'll go check it out once I answer this question lol
I read the bios all the time. They're usually pretty interesting, especially when people edit them or whatever, it sort of gives an idea of what the persons like...
BQ: Yes, I had one that was more detailed and that had more info about me, and then I edited it to almost no personal info about me because I recently had this person come to my school to talk about internet safety and sorta made me kinda worried/scared so when I came home I edited everything I have on the internet so that I have nothing more then my name on it... lol I hate when those people come to talk about internet safety because I become like a safety freak, they even got me into the habit of putting sticky notes on my webcam so if someone is trying to stalk me and hacked my webcam, they can't see me hahaha. So ya that's pretty much my bio story...
BQ2: It was pretty good for Friday the 13th *dandandaaaa* but ya I don't believe in it anyway...
Yes actually I do. If someone has a bio, on any site really, I'd take a minuted to read it. Sometimes they are funny other times they're boring. Haha
I don't know if anyone reads mine but I don't care I'll read anyone's who's is there xD just because I'm weird.
BQ: written about you??? I'm slightly confused
BQ2: it's only 8:45 am but it's pretty good I guess I need breakfast!!!!
All the time, I love reading them. Seeing what people have to say.
BQ: Yep, it's on my profile.
BQ2: So fun! We went to OU for a college visit to see the preserved insane asylum for our National History Day project. It was so fun! I went with three of my best friends, and my favorite teacher ever. She's only 29 and still so cool. We can talk to her about anything and laugh at the same stuff as if she was a teen. She's really cool in an adult/teen way. Seriously, today couldn't get better! I hope your day is going well. (:
I do enjoying reading bios, even on Y! A. My all time favorite bio is the one on Gotye's website. He could be a comedian if the whole music career doesn't work out..
BQ: I have but I got rid of it because it was lame.
BQ2: My day was crazy and stressful. I work with kids and they were especially rotten today...
You seem to be missing something at the end (Yahoo! A). I always read peoples bios. Just because I guess. Well maybe because I'm a Y!A addict.
BQ: Yeah, but every time I rewrite it, I don't like it. Probably gonna change it soon.
BQ2: Fine, but boring.
Sometimes, when the person seems interesting. I guess people view mine because I put my flickr on there about a week ago and it has +40 hits. Stalkers
BQ: Yes, I was hesitant to because I often do not know how to write about myself.
BQ2: Okay. Tried working on an essay, but I ended up staring at it for about ten minutes, then going back to Y!A. I picked up my seedling from daycare, and she just went to bed.
I've probably read about 10 or so. I did read yours though, but not the new one.
Thanks, I will
BQ: I don't think I've written anything about you
BQ: *sigh* I rode to and from school in the rain (2 miles each way). First thunder and lightning storm of the year. Then I had pizza, which of course, makes everything better!
Soo a few good thing, a few bad, it evens out. How about you?
Of course! I love reading what other people write about themselves. Your bio is cool. I hope you get your mission in life accomplished.
BQ: Yeah, but it doesn't say much.
BQ2: Started out considerably well, but it turned out pretty bad. Yours?
Yeah, if the user is nice and has interesting questions/answers. I'll check yours out, sounds fun!
BQ: Yep, dozens of times. My latest addition is an in-joke from a Flockdraw "Zorro is our king"
BQ2: Boring in the morning, bunch of tests, then later it was relax time but got better.