do you know who adolf hitler was?

becuase someone at my school claimed he was going bring hitler back and he would destroy everyone


  • fat chance of that happening. he killed himself and then they burned him. lets see him get out of that one.

  • WOW

    Adolf Hitler was a German dictator who had a belief that there was one perfect race of people and he thought it was his destiny to help create that perfect race (he basically thought he was God). Hitler created an army called the Nazis and his symbol was called a swatstika, very bad symbol don't ever draw it or anything. Because of Hitler there was World War II (WWII). Many many countries were tired of Hitler's crazy antics and fought back one of those countries being the U.S. In the end Hitler killed himself after basically going crazy from all the fighting and grief he faced from not being able to create his perfect race they burned his body o be sure of his death. Jews were only one of his targets, he also killed people without blond hair, blue eyes, neither of which he had. He also killed if the nose or some other facial feature of a person were different that his expectations in his perfect people. The Jews mainly went to concentration camps where they later died of sickness and abusement.

    Your schoolmate is crazy if he plans to rencarnate Hitler. IT'S NOT HAPPENING! So tell him to dream on and go to counseling.

    Look up more if you're not satified with my information on Google by typing Adolf Hitler or The Holocaust

  • Dude Adolf Hitler was the one who started the Holocaust and if you don't know what the Holocaust is look it up

  • Read a history book about him.

    He was a German Dictator (Bad Guy).

    He started his own army. Basically he was racist. He killed Jewish people. He started the Holocaust

  • He was the most evil and hated world leader ever. Oh yeah, tell your retarded friend that if Hitler comes back he will kill him first.

  • HItler was a man who basically started war world II. He hated Jews and sent them to concentration camps. When things started going wrong for him he killed himself.

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